My Rating ★★★★ "Suspicion Confirmed!" KSF-TV news reporting, yesterday our investigative team uncovered shocking evidence at the Regency Theater of a true life haunting. During the nighttime stake out one…
My Rating ★★★ "The Mark Of The Monster!" In celebration of defeating the Factor Three, the Uncanny X-Men decide to spend their next free day training in the infamous Danger…
My Rating ★★★★ Death Waits For Moonrise… Inside of a university laboratory located somewhere in the Balkan states, two scientists work feverishly to break down a newly discovered virus. The…
My Rating ★★★★ "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" Night began to fall on the Artic tundra as Captain Robert Walton IV pushed his crew further towards their Schooner. The ship had become…