Considered a gem of the New York city skyline by some, a public safety hazard to others, the Baxter Building has been home to the superhero team know as the Fantastic Four. Originally constructed as an office building in 1961, when Reed Richards purchased the property this downtown high-rise has gradually changed over the past several decades.
In recent years the building has evolved into a complex base of operations which includes:
- Laboratories setup to perform experiments on everything from simple chemistry to advanced cosmic energy research.
- An artificial nexus to all realities dubbed the “Forever Gate” (a portal for the laymen’s).
- Quick launch bays for air and space vehicles (example: the Fantasticar, Fantasti-copter).
- Advanced home gym capable of providing weight training for such powerhouses as Ben Grimm “The Thing” and Jennifer Walters “She-Hulk”
- Advanced technology to scan for both global and galactic threats.
- Powerful energy shields and defense systems to repel everything from street level gangs to interdimensional threats (See Marvel Comics “Reckoning War” 2022).
- Cool family members and cast of friends.
- Constantly targeted for attacks
- Prone to subterranean attacks (thanks Mole Man)
- Has been pulled into outer space by Victor Von Doom and his “grabber” technology.
- In December 2022 Reed Richards activated a wormhole device to repel and invasion from the Negative Zone. Four Freedom Tower and the surrounding city blocks where sucked into a time warp bubble.
[borough – manhattan], [buildings], [city – new york city], [continent – north america], [country – united states of america], [four freedom plaza], [headquarters – baxter building], [planet – earth], [state – new york], [vehicle – fantasti-car], [vehicle – Fantastic 4×4 (grimm’s truck)]