The Book of Fate – Volume 01 Issue 12

The Book of Fate – Volume 01 Issue 12

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“One Man’s Fate”

Jared Stevens has been exiles to some unknown planet while Doctor Occult and the Sentinel fight over the fate of Fate. What can Jared do to pass the time on a world filled with exotic aliens? Drink!

With a fist full of metal coins provided by the Sentinel, Fate walks into the first bar he sees. Inside multiple bodies lay strewn across the floor. Only one man is left sitting at the bar and his name is Lobo. It’s time for the two most hated beings in the universe to party down! Release the drinking montage…

What will become of Fate and his artifacts? Is the Warrior Bar the most dangerous tavern on Earth? Is that Robotman punching Jared? Collect the final issue to find out!

Reviewer Notes

I’m kind of bummed to see this series canceled. The Jared Stevens version of Fate had a lot of potential. At least they sent him off with a bang. Lobo creator, Keith Griffen, did the art for this final issue. I must say I’m glad it wasn’t Matt Smith. I’m giving this one five stars for coolness alone.



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