The House Of Mysteries – Volume 01 Issue 282 

The House Of Mysteries – Volume 01 Issue 282 

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The Lady Killer Craves Blood

A serial killer dubbed the “lady killer” has stalked the streets of the city for over a year now. Every woman in the metro area has been on edge since the local news affiliates reported the slaying of an eighth victim. Jenny Stokely, wife of reclusive mystery writer Jess Stokely, was gunned down in their car in the late hours near union Park.

Weeks pass as Jess remembers all the good times he had with his wife. He remembers the secrets she learned about his life, the reason why he only goes out at night, and who gave him the curse. Jess always kept his secret inline, even lowering himself to stealing from local blood banks to feed his hunger. Yes, Jess is a vampire, and now a vampire with nothing left to lose. 

Jenny was his humanity. It’s time to track down the killer and make him pay. The only thing standing between Jess and his revenge is the constant cravings for human blood.

Are those the voices of Demons forcing the stalker to kill? Have vampires infiltrated the halls of our colleges and universities? Will Jess find the stalker before the sun rises?

I’m Off To My Funeral 

Uncle Jedediah lays on his deathbed. His biggest fear is having his body decomposing in the dirt, or turning to ash in the flames of a cremation. His millions of dollars has bought him the luxury of a third option. An Aerospace company has just introduced a line of space capsules which can be used to send the dead into outer space.

Will Jedediah find salvation amongst the stars? How reliable is the trajectory software in the new capsules system? Do they really launch humans into space as they lay dying?

The Computer That Saved Metropolis 

Today is the day. A Metropolis school teacher has promised her 6th grade class a guest lecturer. The topic is the history of computers and their uses in the workplace and homes across America. The only problem is that the lecturer is stuck fighting Major Destruction across town.

Can Superman stop the ecoterrorist from destroying downtown Metropolis and make is 3 o’clock appointment? Can a class of 6th graders use the new Radio Shack TRS-80 to help the man of Steel divert a tornado? Who has two thumbs and brand new computers? Not this guy… 

Someplace Where The Sun Don’t Shine

On July 23, 1979, the sun rose over Tecumseh, New York. It hasn’t set since. The town’s folks suffer for many years, but enough is enough. It’s time to make a deal with the devil himself.

Does Lucifer have a group rate on contract signings? Is the sun controlled by science of supernatural forces? Can a soul already doomed to the fires of hell still make a deal? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

I came for the vampire story, I left with an over-saturated ad for the Radio Shack’s (Tandy) TRS-80 home personal computer. Superman was completely whored out in this issue of the House of Mysteries No.282. I’m hoping DC Comics left some money on the nightstand for his troubles.

This is another horror anthology comic with the promise of a 28 page bonus comic book advertised on the front cover. The “bonus comic” is nothing more than Superman shilling the Tandy computer. Who is Major Damage? I never heard of him. Is this another one-and-done character introduced to sell merch?

Overall the stories are solid but way outdated for today’s readers. I did enjoy the Vampire and Computer AD stories. I’m going to give this book four out of five stars. Go team Radio Shack!



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