The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl – Volume 02 Issue 39

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl – Volume 02 Issue 39

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Where’s Tony?”

Red alert, you all! Tony Stark isn’t Tony Stark, and all the detective work in the world can’t seem to solve the case. Does Brain Drain’s facial recognition software save the day? Nope! Does Tippy Toes’ extreme pizza eating skills crack this mystery? NOPE! What can the gang do to find out “where on earth is Carmen Stark-iego”? Time to hack the Databus!

Cue the one panel montage scene. Note: the montage was reduced to one panel because it was discovered in Squirrel Girl #23 that montages are a bad idea. Take it up with the editor. 

Can third year computer science students crack the security protocols of one of Earth’s smartest smart guys? Good news, Tony Stark is old, with outdated, old man programming skills, and team Squirrel Girl is not. Their training is more up to date since they are not ancient! Collect the series to find out where Tony is.

Editor Notes:

This is another example of great writing from Ryan North. Marvel Comics can’t really lose with this guy behind the pen. 



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