Tiger-X – Volume 01 Issue 03

Tiger-X – Volume 01 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“I Did It!”

Tiger-X is in the possession of the rebels but their leader is unaware. Jordy awakens inside the cockpit only to find the American battle-suit resting at the bottom of a Texas river. Now’s the time to read that instruction manual!

Miles away at the rebel encampment, Willy and the other kids are packing up essential supplies for their retreat to the emergency hideout. If Esteban can get the broken radio fix they can alert Lucky Larry and the other scouts before they are ambushed. The Soviet battle-suits are on their way with orders to exterminate the lot of them. Come on Esteban, work your magic.

Over at the Austin Airport, two Majors face charges of treason. Colonel Sazanov would soon have both men sent to Siberia, or better yet, shot. Before the two Soviets can learn their fate, news reaches HQ that Tiger-X has been spotted along with a major counter offensive. Major Tovarich’s troops begin to report heavy battle-suit losses. Time to reclaim what rightly belongs to them!

Does one simply read an instruction manual? How many more rebel lives will be lost before the Tiger-X arrives at home base? Is this the end of America as we know it? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

We come to the end of volume one of Tiger-X, but things will continue. At the beginning of the book Ben Dunn announced the release of volume two for the following year. I never got that far into the story back in 1988, but I did recently acquire the four books, so I plan to read them at some point. 

Let’s talk about this issue. The action and drama were a bit lacking in this book but considering what happened last time I don’t think that can be topped. With Ben Dunn writing and doing the art for both Tiger-X and Ninja High-school, I can’t believe he kept up with the schedule. It must have been excruciating at the least. I so love the settings and concept, but as an older reader the Anime elements grew thin for me.

Don’t get me wrong, this series is a great example of where the state of indie comic publishers were at the time. That’s right kids, we used to have to walk uphill both ways to the comic book shop, and all our comics were in black and white! With all kidding aside, this was a solid series worth your time. It’s not X-men or Superman,  but it’s outside the mainstream which made it even more enticing. This issue gets a three out of five from me. The series as a whole, so far, is a solid four star venture.



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