Tomb Of Dracula – Volume 01 Issue 09

Tomb Of Dracula – Volume 01 Issue 09

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Death From The Sea!”

Mortally wounded by Quincy Harker’s poison dart, Dracula flees from his battle with Dr. Heinrich Mortte. In bat form the Lord of the Undead flies quickly towards the small village of Littlepool, but in his weakened state Dracula crash lands on the hard cobblestone street leading into an empty alleyway.

Some say evil begets evil as the sounds of multiple motorcycle exhausts fill the evening air. A large gang of outlaw bikers race past Dracula as he lay prone on the village street. Seeing an easy score, the men circle their bikes around with the intent on robbing the master vampire. Things would not go as smoothly as the overconfident thieves expected, as even in his deteriorating state Dracula lashes out, injuring multiple gang members. Unfortunately, Dracula’s superhuman strength was not enough to drive the bikers away, as their superior numbers finally subdue the poisoned Count.

One hour later a semi-conscious Dracula finds himself being dumped into the cold dark waters of a nearby harbor. As his body began to sink to the sea floor his mind went black. It would take the luck of one lonely fisherman to save him from extinction.

Will Dracula survive his ordeal in the small town of Littlepool? Why is the young man named Dave unable to leave his ancestral village? Can Frank Drake and his crew of vampire hunters find Dracula before he strikes again? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Dracula shows his humble side in this issue as he recovers from Quincy Harker’s anti-vampire poison. He makes a new ally and learns a bit of good old fashion 1970’s feminism. Watch out Dave, don’t take any lip from your modern women. Dracula so commands it.

On a side note, I was amazed how fast Dracula’s bite could transform his prey into the undead this time. It couldn’t have been more than an hour before two of his victims were up on their feet hunting for their own meals. Is Dracula infected with the reaper strain? I don’t know but if he really wanted to create an army of vampires it wouldn’t take him long.

Even though this issue was more of a Dark Shadows soap opera drama than anything else, the writing and art are still top notch. I’m giving issue nine of Tomb of Dracula three out of five stars. Next time Dracula returns to London. Will he get his revenge on Jonathan Harker’s descendant?



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