True Believers: Star Wars – Ewoks – Volume 01 Issue 01

True Believers: Star Wars – Ewoks – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

(Originally printed in: Stars Comics – Ewoks #01, 1985)

“The Rainbow Bridge”

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Tragedy has fallen upon a band of hunters traveling on the forest moon of Endor. The Ewok Princess Kneesaa has been wounded by the poisonous nightshade thorns. Now two brave scouts, Teebo and Wicket, have begun a quest to retrieve sacred medicine from across the Gorge of Fire. Only one obstacle stands in their way, the evil ogre named Gantu.

“A Stone’s Throw”

Hark, the Ewok scouts Teebo and Wicket have gained new allies on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. The living rocks of Zandor have promised their aid in return for help from the young Ewoks. The Zandor rocks seek the return of their precious life source, the glowing nectar of the Sunnydew flowers.

“The End Of The Rainbow”

The glowing nectar has been found by the coalition force of Ewoks and Zandorian rocks. Will the rag-tag searchers be able to escape Gantu’s cave before the tyrant returns? What happens if the magic crystal is unable to form the Rainbow Bridge? Is it too late for Princess Kneesaa to receive the medicine she so desperately needs? Collect the issue to find out!

Reviewer Notes

From the mind of George Lucas, to the movie screens, the Ewoks were the breakout stars of the 1983 film “The Return Of The Jedi”. Following the release of 1985 television series “Ewoks”, Stars Comics (Marvel) released a brief Ewoks series which lasted sixteen issues. In 2019 the first issue in that series was republished under the title “True Believers: Star Wars – Ewoks” .

I was quite fond of the Saturday morning cartoon series when it originally aired alongside “Droids”. The art and writing is a close match to the television show, and the story could have fit in nicely as an episode. The ogre was great, but sure about the living rocks. This book is clearly written for children as the target market. It is well done, even for a PG audience.

If you are looking for giant space battles, or for killer Nightsisters to appear, you will be disappointed. I’m not sure what to think about the magic Rainbow Bridge and Crystal. I guess if the Nightsisters have magic, and a little green fella can lift an X-wing fight by the force, anything is possible. I did enjoy this reprint, and look forward to Hunting down the Stars Comics run. For now I will settle on giving this story 4 out of 5 Stars. Now go get your Yub Nub on!



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