Behold! The Millennium Giants (Superman: Man of Steel Volume 01 Issue 78)

Behold! The Millennium Giants (Superman: Man of Steel Volume 01 Issue 78)

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Earth Changes”

April 4th – 1998, South America, Lois Lane stands near the jungle village of Dos Hermanos, her gaze is fixed through a pair of binoculars. She begins scanning high above the canopy of trees towards a nearby mountain. This particular mountain has become extremely active with volcanic tremors within the past few days. 

Near the western peak she spots a familiar figure. It’s one of the villainous Millennium Guards, a man known as Hunab. Hunab is a powerful Aztec sorcerer with powers granted to him by the gods themselves. He has to be the cause of the volcanic activity. Will the tribal elders help Lois stop the madman before things go from bad to worse?

Across the Atlantic, a large crowd of onlookers gather around the prehistoric site known as Stonehenge. Nigel Spittlesworth, a reporter from the London bureau of the Daily Planet, begins his report. Another strange figure calling himself Dagda now stands atop the long Barrow Down near the famous earthworks known as the Avebury Giant. 

No one knows what Dagda wants, but a huge lightning storm begins to form above him. In the matter of moments the electrical energy can be felt building up around the henge site as well. A platoon of Royal Marines begins to order the crowd back towards their vehicles. Where is Superman when you need him?

It’s now midday, valley of the kings – Egypt, a third member of the Millennium Guards has just descended near a dig site thought to be the Temple of Hathor. Amun, priest to the goddess of love and fertility, begins chanting for the coming of Sekhmet – the Destroyer. 

High above the scene the Kryptonian known as Blue Superman flies past Amun. A plan of attack begins to formulate in his head. If only his twin, Red Superman, was here the situation would be much easier to handle. Before the man of Steel can take any action the grounds below start to tremble. 

An earthquake begins to rock the dig site and workers begin to flee for their lives. Blue Superman turns his attention away towards the Nyle River. The waters have just turned red as blood. 

Can the twin forces of Red and Blue Superman stop the Millennium Guards from their unknown rituals? Are there more than three epicenters being targeted in this global event? Will Perry White recieve Clark’s expense vouchers before the end of time? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

This part one in the 1998 story arch called “Behold! The Millennium Giants”. I discovered this storyline while finishing the Challengers of the Unknown series last month. This story spans across multiple titles and involves several of the hero characters. I already read the crossover involving the Challengers, so I figured I would track down the other books in this miniseries. 

First off, I know very little of the DC universe from the 1990s. I didn’t even know Superman was split into two separate individuals at that time. My first impressions of Red and Blue Superman lead me to believe their mental maturity is that of two teenage boys. They harbor a lot of animosity between each other. I’m going to have to do some research on this and report back.

 Overall I think the writing and art in this issue is very solid. I would recommend this miniseries if you can track down all the issues. I was a real pain in the ass to find a complete set. Good luck on your search!



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