Bill and Ted – Roll the Dice – Volume 01 Issue 01

Bill and Ted – Roll the Dice – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Roll the Dice”

Four Months have passed since Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. Wyld Stalyns is a global phenomenon, the boys are fully trained guitar gods, and the timeline is most righteous. Wait, or is it the future us-es that are the shred masters? What about the current us-es? Maybe it’s time to practice, dudes?

Life is still kind of a bummer. Maybe it will help to use Missy’s, I mean mom’s, occult and demon books to write some tasty lyrics? Let’s go! Wait, are we back in hell? No way!

Can Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted Theodore Logan survive an epic game of D-N-D run by Satan’s dungeon master, “Some-Gina”? Collect the series to find out.

Also starring in his very own side story, the sit-up champion of the 27th century, himself. You know him! You love him! Put your hands together for De Nomolos!

Reviewer Notes

I’m giving issue one of “Roll the Dice” four stars based upon the artwork and book construction alone. Very nicely done by Opus. They make the cover art look very similar to the TSR 3rd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game books. It is an extremely close match to the player’s handbook cover. The inside art and colors are top notch and worth the money.

The story is well done, however, I need to rewatch the Bogus Journey movie. There is a possible flub on the first page. I’m not sure if this series will be canon with the movies, but hopefully “Roll The Dice” will match up with the cinematic timeline.



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