Capwolf And The Howling Commandos – Volume 01 Issue 02

Capwolf And The Howling Commandos – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 2 out of 5.

“Capwolf And The Howling Commandos – Part 02”

Deep in the Prussian Forest a truck arrives at the secret bunker known as the Wolfsschanze. A squad of volunteer infantrymen debark from their transport and are quickly escorted deep into the bowels of the complex. Several hours later the men assemble in an advance laboratory as Commander Fritz Witt gives them a speech on their new role as Hitler’s ultimate soldiers. This unit will be the first in a series of units given the gift of lycanthropy. As the men look at each other in confusion a woman dressed in ceremonial robes approaches. The soldier’s reluctance has triggered the Fuhrer’s chief seer, Ros.

Twenty miles to the east, Dum-Dum Dugan and the Howling Commandos have just fought off several large “monsters” but their victory is short lived. Captain America was bitten by one of the beasts and has transformed into one of the attackers. Monsters don’t exist, do they? Say hello to the world’s first super-soldier werewolf hybrid, fellas!

As Dum-Dum and the boys try and make first contact with the red, white, and blue covered Hollywood wolfman, several gunshots ring out from behind them. The bullets hit Capwolf squarely in the chest, but as the blood begins to pour out of the exit wounds Steve Rogers stands unaffected. A heavily armed French woman races out from her concealed position. “The werewolf must die!” Before the lunatic can squeeze off another barrage of shots, Dugan rushes to stop her.

Why is Captain America still able to communicate with his troops in this new beastly form? What were those things that attacked the Howling Commandos in the East Prussian Forest? Who is the godless heathen woman which barks orders at the high-ranking Nazi commanders? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

I was left shaking my head at Capwolf and the Howling Commandos issue number two. First off, I’m a huge fan of the World War II horror genre. Just call me Mr. Demo. I would like to see this series succeed, but the dialog here is extremely bad. You would think Stephanie Phillips would have researched dialog and mannerisms of people living in the 1940s. The German characters seem like they were talking like young tiktok users. I got douche-chills reading this stuff and that’s not good.

My main gripe of about issue two is the same as before. Last time Carlos Magno use the American late war prototype take, the T28 Super Tank, as the model for German Wunderwaffe. Even though the tank was an awesome design, using a historical piece of equipment incorrectly just cheapens the overall quality of the comic book.

So here we are in issue two and Carlos does it once again. At the beginning of the story German soldiers are seen riding in a troop transport. One would think the artist would use a historically accurate vehicle in his art. Nope. The truck is a United States Marine truck used in the artillery units in the Pacific theater. I’ve done some research on this vehicle and there is no way it would have been accessible to the Nazis in any case. I believe I found the actual photo used by Carlos to model his art on. The signs point to tracing.

If you would like more information about these historical vehicles, I will leave the links below. With the bad dialog and the use of repurposed/historically inaccurate equipment, I’m giving this issue of Capwolf two out of five stars. I just can’t wait to see what vehicles arrive in issue three. Maybe a German F-18 Super Hornet?

Marine Truck Info:…

T28 Super Tank Info:…

My YouTube breakdown of the equipment:



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