My Rating ★★★ "Overload" Today is annual Superman Day in Metropolis and this year the city is celebrating the defeat of the Doomsday monster. A large gathering of people have…
My Rating ★★★ "I Did It!" Tiger-X is in the possession of the rebels but their leader is unaware. Jordy awakens inside the cockpit only to find the American battle-suit…
My Rating ★★★★★ "The Long Way Home" Blackness with no stars. Where are the stars? The Vruzeox caretaker had been awoken early from his stasis pod only to be faced…
My Rating ★★★★ "Tiger By The Tail" Success! Lone Wolf has rescued the Tiger-X battle-suit from Russian control, but the cost was heavy. Only five of the original rebel strike…
My Rating ★★★ "Life During Wartime" The Vishanti were not known to be cruel, for the most part. They had given so much knowledge to those wishing to learn. Their…
My Rating ★★★★ "Attack From Below" They found it! The hidden research bunker housing Project Tiger-X has been located by the rebels. Thanks to the disheveled Dr. Onrei, the small…
My Rating ★★★★ "The Season Finale" Patsy Walker has stepped through the True-Form Doorway and her demon exterior has been revealed. Shocked by the experience her mind flashes through all…
My Rating ★★★ "Hallows Eve - Volume 01 Issue 05" New York, Midtown Manhattan, anarchy has erupted on the street in front of the Beyond Corporation office building. Maxine Danger…
My Rating ★★★★ "Tiger-X" Welcome to the Russian occupation zone, formally known as Texas. In the year 1993 war in the Middle East spilled over onto the Russian Steppes, sparking…
My Rating ★★★ "Girl Can't Help It - Part 05" It's Punch Club night in Central Park, but where is Jenny? The new jackets have just arrived and they are…