My Rating ★★★★ "A Clobber In Time" Welcome to the Krakoa University symposium on superhuman and mutant relations. Tonight's guest speaker is the legend himself, Benjamin Grimm of the Fantastic…
My Rating ★★★ "Joe Fixit #05" Attack! Sides have been drawn in the battle for control of Las Vegas and the coveted Coliseum Casino. It's Kingpin's men versus Count Nefaria's…
My Rating ★★★★ "The Millionaire Contract" As Batman lays in recovery from a blood transfusion and Father Green's vampire serum, the Boy Wonder helps load the bodies of Dala Vadim…
My Rating ★★★ "Dream Evil" A young couple from the Bronx came to the Midnight Mission seeking help for their daughter. Mr. Knight agreed to help the girl but quickly…
My Rating ★★★★ "Out Of Retirement!" Bushroot has taken over downtown St. Canard with his deadly weed growth. Who will stop him now that Darkwing Duck is officially retired? Over…
My Rating ★★★ "Hallows' Eve - Issue 02" What has Janine Godbe gotten herself into this time? With a bag full of magical Halloween masks you would think one would…
My Rating ★★★★ "What Stalks The Gotham Night?" High above the street level a feral set of eyes watches the front entrance to Vicki Vale's apartment building. This area of…
My Rating ★★★★★ "The Monster In The Mirror" Twenty minutes to ten, the rose gardens - Wayne Manor, Batman stumbles through the greenery which he holds so special, the visions…
My Rating ★★★ "The Know-It-All" Hellcat has returned to Spalding Grantham's murder scene in search of more clues. She must act fast as Patsy Walker is now an official suspect.…
My Rating ★★★★ "Nightmare In Crimson" Dick Grayson awakes from a nightmare and finds himself in a strange bedroom. The visions of Dala attacking him are still fresh in his…