Chilling Adventures Presents… Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe of Horrors: Fresh Meat – Volume 01 Issue 01

Chilling Adventures Presents… Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe of Horrors: Fresh Meat – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Lord Of The Fries”

Poor Pop, no business yesterday, and no business today. Where Jughead goes the customers shall follow. But where is the golden stomach off to today? Of course, that soggy excuse for a chef, Segarini the purveyor of pizza pies. 

How far will Terry Tate go to regain his customer base? Is the gluttony of Jughead Jones a mere teenage annoyance, or a true sin? Will the horned customer teach Pop’s the art of the deal?

“Feed Me, Jughead”

Who would have ever thought Jughead Jones could be defeated by salad? Interstellar space salad at that! No, it’s true. The connoisseur of Pop’s triple-stack cheeseburgers has become a slave to one savage man-eating plant. But where is Archie? Don’t look now, he is the latest guest at the coma-pod Airbnb! 

“On The House”

Hiram Lodge has had enough of Pop’s stall tactics! When the Lodge family sets their sights on buying something, they won’t take no for an answer. It’s deal or no deal time, so let the strong-arm tactics begin! There is only one thing the Riverdale business conglomerate never planned for… the Chock’lit Shoppe’s late night clientele. 

Reviewer Notes 

We return to the dark world of Archie’s Horror universe, and this time Pop’s restaurant has some competition. Poor Segarini, he just wanted to make pizza pies for the kids. Unfortunately he fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, ‘never get involved in a land bid with the Lodges,’ but only slightly less well-known is this: ‘Never go in against Pop’s when death is on the line!’ Cue the Princess Bride soundtrack.

I’ve found the Chilling Adventures books a bit hit-or-miss over the past few years, “The Cult of that Wilkins Boy” being the best of the lot in my opinion. This issue I would put in my top ten Archie Horror list as of this date. Each one of the three stories here were well crafted and we finally get the backstory on the evil that lurks within Terry Tate’s kitchen. I love it!

I’m giving “Fresh Meat” a four out of five star rating. If your a fan of the Archie Horror setting you will want this one. Just don’t ask where the meat comes from. Trust me, you don’t want to know.



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