Chilling Adventures Presents… The Cult Of That Wilkin Boy

Chilling Adventures Presents… The Cult Of That Wilkin Boy

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“The Cult Of That Wilkin Boy”

Seven years. That was the deal. Seven years of happiness for an eternity of damnation. Was it worth the price for fame and fortune? With only three days left, international rock sensation Bingo Wilkin is beginning to ask himself that very question.

Can he recognize the turning point for that little Wilkin’s boy from the town of Midville? Would he have gotten this far with his rinky-dink garage band? His friends and bandmates thought so. Bingo Wilkin was unwilling to take that chance. All those nights playing dive bars, college parties, and open-mics were a waste of his life-force. The door of opportunity seemed to be closing for Bingo Wilkin.

Was there an easier way to gain what he desperately needed? If the legends were true then the crossroads was his answer. It worked for that delta blues guy and the Spears girl, right? Bingo Wilkin would be bigger than all of them combined!

What burns Bingo Wilkin more, the fact he sold his soul to become rich and famous, or that Clyde Didit achieved it all on his own? How far are Bingo’s fans willing to go to show their blind devotion? Who is the mysterious figure waiting for Bingo Wilkin at the Midville crossroads? Read the book to find out!

Reviewer Notes

This is hands down my favorite story in the Chilling Adventures Presents reboot. Woodrow “Bingo” Wilkin III is all grown up and ready to rock the readers with a classic tale of soul selling and the road to demise.  As a former musician myself I was always fascinated with the stories of Papa Legba and the crossroads.

Robert Johnson made this hoodoo myth famous, but there are other examples. Niccolò Paganini, famed 18th century violinist, was rumored to have sold his soul to the devil for virtuoso status. The same goes for Giuseppe Tartini. Who wants to practice when the devil has an easy button?

Back to the comic book. The art is what you come to expect for the Chilling Adventures Presents series. The story is the icing and the cake this time around. I would definitely recommend this book and the twist ending to everyone in general. Cullen Bunn must have sold his soul for this five star rating. Just kidding… Or, am I?



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