Chilling Adventures Presents… Welcome to Riverdale – Volume 01 Issue 01

Chilling Adventures Presents… Welcome to Riverdale – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Welcome to Riverdale”

Ginger held an old postcard advertising the quaint town of Riverdale in her hands. She must have looked at the photo cover a hundred times since Nancy had sent it to her. Should she go? When is a good time? The questions ran through Ginger’s mind for at least a month straight. Well no time like the present. 

Main street – Riverdale, an exhausted Ginger Snapp raised the postcard once again. This time her goal was to try and match up the image with the actual street location.  What had changed since the 1950s? Before she had time to really study the shop fronts a familiar voice interrupted her concentration. It was her BFF Nancy Woods!

Over the next few days Ginger found everyone she interacted with extremely nice. Wait, nice isn’t the correct word. Nancy Woods’ friends were being overfamiliar to a degree that made Ginger uncomfortable. And their clothes. Was a gaudy cocktail dress really necessary for a trip to the local hamburger shop?

Something was definitely different about how Nancy Woods and her friends behaved. Heck, the adults were acting even more pod person-ish. The bizarreness really didn’t sink in until a girl named Clara passed Nancy on the sidewalk and whispered “You’re not welcome here, get out while you still can”. Wait, what? Beam me up, Scotty.

Why are the residents of Riverdale acting so peculiar ever since Ginger Snapp arrived in town? Who stole all of the mirrors from the local establishments and the hotel room occupied by Ginger? What are the strange chanting sound coming from the Darkrock Storage Solutions? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Look out Ginger, something is seriously wrong with them! You guessed it, this installment of Chilling Adventures Presents is the vehicle for getting Ginger Snapp into the Archie Horror universe. Please note – there is another surprise minor key but I will leave it up to the readers to discover it.

I did enjoy the story here, but after reading several of the Archie Horror books now the coherency of the world seems very disjointed. We have Jughead Werewolf, Vampire Hunter Betty, and the demon invasion featuring Sabrina and Jinx. How does all of this tie together in the long run? I don’t want to nitpick, but to me, it just seems clunky.

I’m giving this issue four out of five stars. If you are a Archie Horror fan, or a Sabrina follower you will want this book. My dream would be for the horror universe side of Archie to be more interlaced.



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