Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme – Volume 01 Issue 22

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme – Volume 01 Issue 22

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Dark Wars – Part 02 of 04

Dormammu Is Back…

Blinded by love, trapped by the past, Stephen Strange has made his way back to the Dark Dimension. After defeating the invading force the Mindless, the Sorcerer Supreme used the opened portal to return for Clea – daughter of Orini and Umar.

Unaware of the reemergence of Dormammu, or his manipulation of the dark energies to reconstruct his body, Doctor Strange falls under attack by the Dark One. Weakened by his recent battle with the Mindless Ones, and the presence of Clea, Strange falls quickly to Dormammu’s magic. The Sorcerer Supreme, once warden over the imprisoned fiend, has become the prisoner in the dark.

Can Dormammu convince his sister Umar to return and rule the Dark Dimension together? Will Doctor Strange and Clea survive the  Exorcism of Transferral? Does Baron Mordo keep his word after being freed by Sara Wolfe? 

The Book Of The Vishanti

Legends And Lore Of The Dark Dimension – Part 02

Doctor Strange returns to the pages of the Book of the Vishanti. In this session we learn how Dormammu and his sister Umar manipulated Olmar – King of the Dark Dimension, and usurped his throne. Preceding the overthrow Umar fell in love with the nobleman Orini.  Sometime later Clea was born. 

Reviewer Notes

We gain a lot more knowledge on the Dark Dimension and its many pocket dimensions. Dormammu steals the spotlight from Strange in this issue in my humble opinion. How can Stephen compete when he is trapped inside a green crystal oval?

Baron Mordo wins his freedom through a lie. 

Come on Sara Wolfe, are you really that dumb? I blame Wong for letting her walk around the Sanctum Santorum with no supervision. Rintrah must have been taking a vacation day as well. We’ll, too late now!

I’m giving Part two of the Dark Wars five out of five stars. This is turning into a great series. Just one question, why is Sara Wolfe always drawn in her apartment with little clothes on?



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