Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 03

Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A Shoptastic Day

Meet Johnathan Fairweather, Shopland’s newest rising star in the electronics department. He’s not only a hot commodity with customers, his blazing personality has united his coworkers into forming a union to fight corporate corruption. Wait, what…?

Why is Mr. Merrill skimming Shopland employee wages? What is the consumption ratio between “Flame On!” and Dr. Incognito’s Discount Hair Dye? Was Reed Richards correct with his tornado temperature inversion theory? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

We have Johnny Storm’s first solo adventure in Fantastic Four Volume 07, and it’s a good one. With the undisclosed events of the Baxter building destruction, and the recent banning of heroes within New York City, we find the Human Torch going into secret identity mode. Johnathan Fairweather is his name, don’t wear it out. 

Ryan North brings back an obscure villain from Fantastic Four #233 (1981), so get ready to hunt for the back issue. Mr. Merrill was some two-bit hood that gets a second chance in life. His only goal seems to be revenge via retail. This story has all the earmarks of the Walmart employee scandals from the past few years, and is definitely a parody of big-box stores. Ryan introduces “Hex-Games” gaming console. Nice!

I’m giving this a Fairweather 5 out of 5 stars. 



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