Hellcat – Volume 02 Issue 03

Hellcat – Volume 02 Issue 03

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“The Know-It-All”

The last thing Patsy remembered that night was staring daggers at Hedy Wolfe as her inner demons began to take control of Hellcat’s soul. Then the bullets hit. Three rounds from the San Francisco Police Officer’s 9mm Berettas cut through costumed flesh, then there was blackness.

Patsy awoke to the smell of Sulphur and burning embers. It was a scent that had become too familiar for the woman once married to the Son of Satan. Now a diminished form of her ex-husband walks out from a nearby rumbled pile. Some powerful curse had transformed Daimon Hellstrom into a living children’s toy, a powerless stuffed bunny forced to endure eternity knowing what he once had. Patsy scowls at the familiar antagonist as she realizes Hellcat has returned to Hell proper.

Earth – realm of the living, the disavowed dream-police investigator known simply as Sleepwalker confronts the son of Mephisto at an abandoned lighthouse near Point Bonita. The structure was built over a strange dark energy node sometime during the 19th century. Now Spalding Grantham was using the site to construct some arcane machine with the sole purpose of opening a gateway to parts unknown. With its creator now deceased Blackheart has come to evaluate the situation.

Will Sleepwalker finally discover who murdered the inventor Spalding Grantham? Could Sleepwalker be the prime suspect in the slaying? Can Patsy Walker,  a.k.a. Hellcat, crawl her way out of hell once again? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Things get interesting as Hellcat unlocks more of her powers in this issue. Is she a full on demon equal to Mephisto himself? I miss the fun-loving Patsy from 2015, but when you marry into crazy I guess your life eventually turns bad no matter how happy you are. Hopefully Sleepwalker can fix the situation. Unfortunately, it appears he has his own issues dealing with Rick Sheridan. Their conflict is building quickly.

On another note, Patsy Walker had one f%cked up childhood. Dorothy Walker was selling a complete lie in her Patsy Walker comic books. What’s up Joshua Walker? The guy is a complete d-bag. Is daddy Mephisto in disguise? Hopefully we find out soon. I’m rating this issue three out of five stars. I loved the art but the murder needs to be solved sooner rather than later.



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