My Rating ★★★★ "If Memory Serves…!" It's shopping day at the Fantastic Farmhouse and Ben wants snacks! If the local shopping mall sells laboratory flasks and geometry books the trip…
My Rating ★★★★★ "Welcome to New Jersey" Seaside Heights, New Jersey, Ben Grimm and his wife Alicia have just finished dinner at one of Seaside's most luxurious French restaurants. Ben…
My Rating ★★★★ "The Enemy Of The Good" On the run from Maria Hill and her C.I.A. led taskforce, the members of the Fantastic Four have arrived at the farmhouse…
My Rating ★★★★ "The Hulk & The Thing: The Big Change" Yancy Street – Lower East Side Manhattan, the year 1987, Ben Grimm stands at the entrance to a back-alley…
My Rating ★★★★ "A Clobber In Time" Welcome to the Krakoa University symposium on superhuman and mutant relations. Tonight's guest speaker is the legend himself, Benjamin Grimm of the Fantastic…
My Rating ★★★★★ "Landmark Legacy 175th Issue" As Jonathan Hart sulks in Central Park debating his purpose in life, Jennifer Walters has just walked into the proverbial sh*t storm at…
My Rating ★★★★ "Three Strikes, Yer Out!" Somewhere inside the New South Wales Solar Observatory, the year 1992, a Mark-II Sentinel stands dormant. High up on the machine's right shoulder…
My Rating ★★★★★ "A Shot In The Dark" The Fantastic Four have just returned from the Dark Dimension after realigning their cellular structures. Thanks, Salem Seven. Can you triple stamp…
My Rating ★★★★ "Clobberin' Time" It was just another day at the Baxter Building, with one exception, Dr. Bruce Banner was at the breakfast table. Is there such a thing…
My Rating ★★★ "Girl Can't Help It" The first rule of Fight Club is no punching Ben Grimm in the money maker. Think of his fans! With that unwritten rule…