Scare Tactics – Volume 01 Issue 08

Scare Tactics – Volume 01 Issue 08

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Convergence Part 04 of 04

Late night at the club, Scare Tactics easily shreds the competition in the battle of the bands (no pun intended, they literally shredded them). Meanwhile Etrigan jumps from the pits of hell into the mosh pit! The scene becomes a full on Donnybrook brawl. Good guys two, bad guys zero. Who else will show up for the last curtain call? The one, the only, Jared “Fate” Stevens!

 Before the mystic with the mouth can utter the words “gemworld invasion”, Alan Scott uses his magic green foot to step on Fate’s toes. Slither turns fan boy, Scream Queen not so much. 

Can Arnie’s team building exercises bring unity before Queen Amethyst opens up a can of whoop-ass on Philadelphia? Will Nina Skorzeny get her raven lip stick back? Does Jimmy Tilton have the rights to print Sentinel t-shirts? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewers Notes

This is the final issue in the four part crossover event called the “convergence”. I’m rather disappointed in the fact that the invasion storyline doesn’t finish here. On top of that, there are no advertisements, nor hints from the writers, where to turn next. We as readers are left stranded with no road map to follow.

Scream Queen is clearly the breakout star in this series. In the “letters from the readers” section, fans are debating who should play Nina Skorzeny in a movie. Drew Barrymore is the top pick. The writers say no way! They mention Drew’s show-and-tell appearance on David Letterman. Funny stuff.



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