Scare Tactics – Volume 01 Issue 11

Scare Tactics – Volume 01 Issue 11

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Assisters of Mercy”

2:30am – high above Gotham City, the most famous landmark has just illuminated the sky. Within twenty minutes commissioner Gordon is seen crashing through the front doors of police headquarters. Who activated the signal? It wasn’t Gordon. The aging detective races up multiple staircases until he reaches the roof. There he finds a message scrawled in blood. “Stop me before I kill again.” Time to send in the bat!

Will Scare Tactics lose a band member tonight or continue to rock? Will Arnold Burnsteel return in time to sort things out? Who is this Spider-boy fella Jake keeps referring to? On that note, who is that Iron-Lantern Arnie is talking about? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Batman is on the case! Doesn’t look good for the series though. There is only one issue left. In the letters from the readers section DC Comics kind of address the low sale and why they did the four one-shot issues. We shall see how the series ends.



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