My Rating ★★★ "Girl Can't Help It" The first rule of Fight Club is no punching Ben Grimm in the money maker. Think of his fans! With that unwritten rule…
My Rating ★★★★★ Bring On The Bombu! Two Hundred and seventy-five, that was the last tally. The number was impressive for such a conqueror as Bombu. His leaders approved, but……
My Rating ★★★★★ The Dark Wars - Part 03 of 04 Mondo Mordo Cast into a dimension of ever-staring eyes, Dormammu's sister Umar, Clea, and Strange have been marooned to…
My Rating ★★★★ Smoke And Mirrors Fighting their way through the realm of vapors, the Midnight Suns discover that the demon Valtorr has been murdered by his own general Korrosion.…
My Rating ★★★★★ The Bride Of The Monster It has been forty years since the young scientist named Victor Von Frankenstein created his infamous monster. Now it is the year…
My Rating ★★★ Rebirth Sometime, in the not so distant future, man has made several scientific advancements in computer chips and robotics. The moon has been colonized and is used…
My Rating ★★★ What Lies In The Mists The Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark Dimension, Tony Stark, has opened a gateway to Valtorr's demonic realm but the Sorcerer Supreme from…
My Rating ★★★ "The Danger Game!" Day three of the change finds Jack being hunted through the sets of an abandoned movie studio. The beast is uncertain why the brash…
My Rating ★★★ "Homecoming" The slave's of Khonshu have just begun a civil war with the fists of vengeance. Jack Russell, aka Werewolf by Night, and self proclaimed king of…
My Rating ★★★★★ "The Mystery of the Mad Monk!" Jack Russell finished a phone call with Father Joquez seconds ago. The priest was hysterical on the line. He claimed to…