The Fog – Volume 01 Issue 02

The Fog – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“The Fog – Part 02”

Annie Castle and her team of investigators had arrived in Antonio Bay two days prior in search of answers to the 1980 event known as “the curse of Antonio Bay“, or simply “the Fog”. As a daughter of two survivors, Annie was determined to uncover Father Malone’s involvement with the mass murders surrounding her parents. Was the priest or his descendants tied somehow to the shipwreck of the Elizabeth Dane? What was the motivation behind the supernatural attack that destroyed an entire community?

Nick Castle and Elizabeth Solley, Annie’s parents, could only speculate at the motivations driving the undead that fateful night. Annie would have to wait almost twenty years to find out. Unfortunately, for the hosts of the Supernatural Nation Podcast, most of the residents of the bay-area are unwilling to talk to Annie or her team. It would take only one woman to break the silence.

“It was the gold cross that they were after,” according to the town radio personality, Stevie Wayne. 

Where was the artifact now, though? Some say it was buried with Father Malone in order to hide the atrocities committed on the leper colony in 1880. A man named Travis Mathew weaves another tale, that of ghostly Captain Blake and his crew coming back from a watery grave to claim what was rightfully theirs. Annie and her friends would never find out the full truth, as someone was digging up Malone’s grave at that very moment.

Where is the golden cross paid for with human blood and murder? Who sabotaged the power generator at the radio station on Spivey Point? Has the fog returned for the remaining descendants who settled Antonio Bay? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

On with the body count! It looks like Captain Blake and crew have some unfinished business, as the children of the original 1980 event try to forget the past. I would not have thought in a million years that a sequel to the 1980 film would go in this direction. But might as well go big or go home, I guess. 

If you are a fan of the original movie I think you will enjoy this comic book series. For those unfamiliar with the film you will need to watch the original 1980 version to fully understand what is going on here. Side Note: Skip the 2005 remake as the Sumerian storyline refers to the events from the original John Carpenter script.

I’m giving issue number two of the Fog comic book four out of five stars. To those looking for spoilers here, all I can say is there are no second chances in the sleepy little town of Antonio Bay. Don’t go out into the fog, no matter what you do!



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