Scare Tactics – Volume 01 Issue 06

Scare Tactics – Volume 01 Issue 06

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Down Home

Yee, Haw, it’s gonna be one of dem there family feuds starrin’ dose Ketchums and the Kingsbridges. Guess what done happens when werewolf Jake’s van breaks down near his ancestral homestead. Scare Tactics will be in one hella’ of a pickle!

Can ya’all say shotgun weddin’? Cousin Pearl, get your dress on, we have some matrimony goin’ down. Don’t worry, Jake Ketchum will make it all bona-fide or dose scrawny friends of his go strait in ta’ the pit! Can ya say sacrifice?

You may be askin’, “Pa, will Tsathugoth be rejectin’ dat Arnie fella'”? Dat dog don’t hunt! Grab the weddin’ ring and collect the series to find out what happens next!

Reviewer Notes

This issue is my favorite in the Scare Tactics series so far. This is the Jake Ketchum backstory with some pretty odd characters. Werewolves vs Ghouls. I think they are ghouls anyways.



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