Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat! – Volume 01 Issue 09

Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat! – Volume 01 Issue 09

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Vs. Hellstrom & Mad Dog A.K.A. Her Evil Exes!

The super duper hero temp agency is being assaulted by its worst enemy yet…the economy! Patsy needs to double the agency’s client list to stay afloat, but with half of the superheroes off world fighting an intergalactic threat there is little she can do. Time to have coffee with a Vampire! Jubilee the ex-X-Man, turned teen vampire slasher (literally). Wait, what?

Across town Patsy’s number one frenemy is busy stirring the pot. The comic book lawsuit has set Hedy Wolfe on the offensive. Why is she spreading lies and alibis to Daimon Hellstrom and the Mad Dog? Not cool Hedy, not cool at all.

Which side of the friend-zone will Jubilee take in this decades old dispute? Is Hellstrom’s new nickname “Hell-boy”? Who is the king of the Radio City karaoke nightclub? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Hedy Wolfe is really turning up the heat in issue number nine. It looks like the action meter is going up in the next few books. I guess I will find out.

I had no idea that Jubilee was a vampire back in 2016. I don’t follow X-Men but I read the new X-Terminators series (2022) and she is all in on fighting the suck-heads. I’m looking forward to getting to the bottom of this in Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat. 

There is a whole lot going in this issue. I have some new characters I need to research, ie. Mad Dog and Jubilee’s adopted baby. One question…She is seventeen in this issue, how can she legally adopt? In any case I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars.



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