My Rating ★★★★ Who Stalks the Vampire?" Thames River, London – England, Frank Drake stands on the guardrail of London Bridge, the dark night mixes with the think fog so…
My Rating ★★★★★ "Island Of The Damn!" Ship Ahoy! Jack Russell has teamed up with a investigative journalist, Buck Cowan, who is currently investigating occult operations in the southern California…
My Rating ★★★★ "Mother Of Evil - Part 01" Several suck-heads are sent flying across the Nightclub dance floor as a Lamborghini Aventador SVL barrels through the plate glass entrance…
My Rating ★★★ "Soul Mates" With Sleepwalker's Imaginator recovered from the floorboards of the murder scene, the dream detective and his host Rick Sheridan review the footage taken during the…
My Rating ★★★ "The Know-It-All" The last thing Patsy remembered that night was staring daggers at Hedy Wolfe as her inner demons began to take control of Hellcat's soul. Then…
My Rating ★★★★ Cindy Barns was an up and coming stage actress from Somerset, Kentucky. She moved to the big Apple last year and recently her star is on the…