The Cimmerian: Queen Of The Black Coast – Volume 01 Issue 02

The Cimmerian: Queen Of The Black Coast – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Queen Of The Black Coast – Part 02

And thus, Conan and Bêlit gazed upon the ruined city through the backlight of dawn. The fabled decadence of the white towered kingdom and its jade temples had been consumed by the jungle eons ago. But what of its denizens? Had their ancestors perished from the blackening waters? Or, was it some other doom prophesied in a soothsayer’s tent? Bêlit fell into a gloom.

With the trireme anchored in a nearby inlet, a scouting party advanced into the ruins searching for any potential treasure. The fallen Metropolis was quite massive, so Conan suggested looking for the highest tower adorned with the most symbols of power. The party spent what seemed an eternity hacking and slashing through the overgrowth. Their labor was rewarded by mid-day. High atop a crowned pyramid sat a sacrificial altar. The adornments seem to catch their eyes. This must be it!

Suddenly the blacks became spooked by a loud screeching sound farther to the west. The Kushites stayed their spears as Conan began to climb up stone walls leading to possible treasure above. Bêlit barks orders to one of the sub-chieftains, N’Gora. Move your ass!

Will the adventures from the Black Coast find treasure equaled to the one filling their imagination? What stalks the Kushites from the jungle canopy above? Can Conan the Barbarian handle his sh*t as the Black Lotus fills his dreams? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

I admit, I have become a fan of Ablaze Publishing over the past few months. The quality their team places into projects is way above the norm. I really enjoyed how Pierre Alary designs the panels to look like the natural elements surrounding the characters and scenes. The devil-ape scene with its wings incorporated into the panel edges really makes the scene pop.

There were a few scenes where the story jumps forward in time a bit. It was a little confusing as I thought the pages were out of  order at first, but if you read Robert E. Howard’s original story provided at the end, you will see there is way too much material to cover in one standard comic book issue. So I do understand the direction Jean-David Morvan took. With that said, I recommend reading the original story in the back before the actual illustrated version.

I’m giving issue two of Queen of the Black Coast 5 out of 5 Stars. This is a book I would enjoy rereading multiple times. Good work Ablaze!



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