My Rating
“The Hunter — and the Hunted!”
It’s the third night of the full moon. The smog of Los Angeles is heavy this summer and it dims the full luminosity of the sphere, but it matters not. The Werewolf is on the prowl in the back streets of Hollywood and beyond.
Jack’s memories fade in and out as the beast makes his way towards the ocean. In the morning Jack would remember a vague police chase and a huge red bird stalking him from above. Then the light of the sun and the smell of sea spray awakens him. It’s time to return to his friends and recount any thoughts from the night before.
Can Buck Cowan and Father Joquez help Jack decode the secrets of the Darkhold? Who is the towering man calling himself Cephalos and why does he need to speak with Jack Russell? What is the mysterious energy produced by a werewolf when it transforms at night? Collect the series to find out!
Reviewer Notes
Man, the Darkhold book has drastically changed since its origins. If you read any of the newer Marvel comics with the Darkhold, or if you have seen the TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., you know anyone who reads the book gets corrupted by dark forces. In Werewolf by Night number two Buck and Father Joquez study away with no effect. Funny stuff folks!
I love these old stories from the late 1960’s into the 1970’s. There’s still innocence about the characters. With no pressure on producing crossover events, or large scale Infinity Gauntlet epics, Marvel writers can introduce villains like Cephalos. If you can find copies of the old Werewolf by Night comic I would get them. I’m giving this issue 4 shark fights out of 5.
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